Top Tooth Sensitivity Causes

Your Mississauga, ON dentist, shares the top reasons for your teeth sensitivity.

Do you experience sensitivity in one or more teeth? If so, you aren’t alone. Countless people deal with this usually harmless condition that can be brought about by multiple causes. Find out what could be the cause of your teeth sensitivity so you can stop it in its tracks.

Brushing too hard: If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity the first thing you will want to look at is your oral routine. Brushing tooTooth Sensitivity hard wears down the layers of your teeth leading to exposed dental nerves, which in turn causes sensitivity. So, the next time you brush thinks about how much pressure you are putting on your teeth and be sure to lighten up whenever you find yourself using a heavy hand. Some people opt for electric toothbrushes, which naturally applies the proper amount of pressure so you don’t have to.

A highly acidic diet: Certain acidic foods such as tomatoes, lemons, and pickles can cause tooth sensitivity. While it might seem like obvious advice, we recommend only sticking to foods that don’t cause problems for your mouth. If a certain food bothers your teeth then it’s time to stop eating it.

You grind your teeth: If you are guilty of teeth grinding you aren’t alone; however, over time this nasty little habit can wear down teeth enamel and cause sensitivity. If you are a grinder you should talk to your Mississauga, ON dentist about getting a custom-made mouth guard to wear at night when most people grind their teeth.

You use whitening toothpastes: If you go for the whitening toothpastes whenever you shop at your local drugstore you might want to change up what toothpaste you use in the future, especially if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity. Some of these whitening chemicals found in toothpaste can be too harsh on your teeth. If you find yourself experiencing problems and you use whitening toothpaste regularly, then it may just be time to purchase a non-whitening equivalent.

If you’ve removed these factors from your daily life and still notice tooth sensitivity, or if your sensitivity becomes uncomfortable then it’s time to see your Mississauga, ON dentist at Woodlands Dental Centre. We can pinpoint the problem and get you feeling better

Periodontics Treatment Mississauga

Periodontitis – all you need to know!

Periodontitis is a prolong, untreated periodontal condition like gingivitis – just that periodontitis has a more significant impact on the teeth, making them loose making them detach from the socket at a very rapid rate. Periodontitis is an inflammation of periodontium: the tissues, ligaments and bones surrounding the teeth, which prompts rapid and painless damaging of the periodontium. If it is left untreated for quite a while, the severity may lead to complexities, for example, myocardial infection, stroke, atheroscelerosis, renal failure with even severe conditions for those suffering from diabetes and coronary ailments.

At Woodlands Dental Centre, our dentists in Mississauga offer full range periodontics treatment and this post goes in alignment to acknowledge you on the various types of periodontitis. Let’s discuss on two types of periodontitis – Aggressive & Chronic.

Chronic Periodontitis:

Chronic periodontitis refers to rapid tooth loss in adults. Poor glycemic control or fluctuating sugar levels trigger early and remarkable onset of periodontitis in grown-ups. Thus, periodontitis aggravates the glycemic control of the body, making it harder for a diabetic patient to recuperate from diabetes or to carry on with a balanced lifestyle. Periodontitis can also be used to detect diabetes and identify cancer cell formation.

Chronic periodontitis is easy to treat and maintain than aggressive periodontitis. Here are 4 steps to disinfect and recover the damages made from periodontitis.

Full mouth disinfection:

Scaling and root planning is done to remove and clean the accumulated plaque of teeth and gum.

Open Flap Debridement:

It is more sophisticated and effective approach where surgical intervention leads to better cleaning of deeper pockets where periodontitis has spread.

Guided Tissue Regeneration:

It is more effective and expensive than open flap debridement however the results outweigh cost. GTR paves way for stable implants on the gums that have been severely affected by periodontitis.

Enamel Matrix Derivative:

It is quite similar to GTR with only difference being at their ability to loosen the pocket depth.

Aggressive Periodontitis:

Aggressive Periodontitis is like Chronic Periodontitis in some ways, however the former leads to rapid bone destruction and toot attachment. It afflicts more of a younger group of people and uses the same medications said above, just with a higher possibility of undergoing surgical debridement with strong antibiotics.

To sum up, periodontists or dentists in Mississauga start the clearing procedure by scratching off the plaque and combined analytics of the enamel and the below gum line. Severe dental visits may follow as scaling and debridement might be required to remove the plaque and tartar accumulated on teeth. By utilizing anti-toxins like amoxicillin or metronidazole, the regenerative procedure gets easy.

Prevention of periodontitis start with daily oral hygiene and regular dental visit. Visit your dentists in Mississauga at Woodlands Dental Centre and stay away from periodontitis.

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Teeth Decay and Remedies

When you are a kid-parent will take care of your overall health, including dental care. With time people will become busy in their daily life and it becomes very rare to think about oral hygiene. This doesn’t mean you will not be brushing the teeth on a daily basis. You will brush teeth but won’t take much care on dental areas.

In today’s life, fast food and aerated or carbonated drinks have started influencing our lives in such a way that many are finding it difficult to avoid it even for a day. With continuous consumption of all these the teeth starts decaying at the early stage itself. Most of the kids have the habit of eating a lot of chocolates in the young stages. If you check the teeth of such kids then can see the extent of teeth decay. In some teeth will be partially torn out, and in certain others teeth will be fully gone. The saying “prevention is better than cure’ is applicable here. Still, there are situations where we have to visit a dentist or dental clinic for problems like teeth decay.

Teeth decay occurs when plaque starts accumulating in certain parts of the dental region. Plaque, to define, is a colorless and sticky substance that creates a favorable environment for bacteria to grow. When bacteria stars growing in the region there will be gum irritation, corrosion of teeth, erosion of dental enamel, infection in the roots etc.

Plaque also causes teeth bleeding and destruction of nerves and tissues. Periodontal disease is one of the advanced dental diseases. But you don’t have to worry. All these dental problems have effective medical treatments. It is better to consult with a dentist in the early stage itself for getting a complete cure.

You can protect your teeth by following a healthy diet and good oral hygiene. Today onwards make sure you are taking care of dental health in an effective way and thereby the complete body health.

All About Root Canal Therapy

If you have a deep cavity or a cracked tooth, chances are you might need a root canal therapy. This therapy is also known as endodontic therapy. Millions of smiles are saved and treated every year with this method. Instead of removing the whole tooth, the tooth is re-structured and healed.

What is Tooth Pulp?

It is an area in a tooth chamber. This area is also called as the pulp chamber. This area does not affect the day to day function of the tooth. In severe cases of tooth decay, this chamber gets infected.

When the pulp is damaged, the bacteria start to multiply in the chamber. This cause a drainage chamber and a puss filled pocket that is formed at the ends of the tooth roots. This infection may also cause:

  • Swelling in the areas of the face, neck, or head
  • Bone loss at or around the root tip

Treatment of Root Canal at our Family Dentistry in Mississauga

This therapy requires more visits to the dentist. There are many steps that may occur during your visits to the office:

  • X-ray: The x-ray of the tooth is taken to determine the area of the decay.
  • Anesthesia: Though, anesthesia may not be necessary since the nerve is dead but is still given to numb the area around the tooth. This also put the patient in ease and relaxation.
  • Pulpectomy: A bigger hole is made to remove the decayed pulp.
  • Filling: The opened area is then filled with gutta-percha material and sealed with cement.

Contrary to popular belief, this procedure is not more painful than a filling.

After care

Our dentists at our Dentistry in Mississauga suggest various methods to improve the lifetime of a tooth. Here are ways to take care of your tooth after your root canal therapy at Woodland Dental Centre in Mississauga:

  • Avoid chewing hard food: Avoid chewing on hard food like ice, walnut etc. It might break the filling.
  • Follow health oral regime. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss it regularly.
  • Visit Woodland Dental Centre, your dentistry in Mississauga regularly