Periodontics Treatment Mississauga

Periodontitis – all you need to know!

Periodontitis is a prolong, untreated periodontal condition like gingivitis – just that periodontitis has a more significant impact on the teeth, making them loose making them detach from the socket at a very rapid rate. Periodontitis is an inflammation of periodontium: the tissues, ligaments and bones surrounding the teeth, which prompts rapid and painless damaging of the periodontium. If it is left untreated for quite a while, the severity may lead to complexities, for example, myocardial infection, stroke, atheroscelerosis, renal failure with even severe conditions for those suffering from diabetes and coronary ailments.

At Woodlands Dental Centre, our dentists in Mississauga offer full range periodontics treatment and this post goes in alignment to acknowledge you on the various types of periodontitis. Let’s discuss on two types of periodontitis – Aggressive & Chronic.

Chronic Periodontitis:

Chronic periodontitis refers to rapid tooth loss in adults. Poor glycemic control or fluctuating sugar levels trigger early and remarkable onset of periodontitis in grown-ups. Thus, periodontitis aggravates the glycemic control of the body, making it harder for a diabetic patient to recuperate from diabetes or to carry on with a balanced lifestyle. Periodontitis can also be used to detect diabetes and identify cancer cell formation.

Chronic periodontitis is easy to treat and maintain than aggressive periodontitis. Here are 4 steps to disinfect and recover the damages made from periodontitis.

Full mouth disinfection:

Scaling and root planning is done to remove and clean the accumulated plaque of teeth and gum.

Open Flap Debridement:

It is more sophisticated and effective approach where surgical intervention leads to better cleaning of deeper pockets where periodontitis has spread.

Guided Tissue Regeneration:

It is more effective and expensive than open flap debridement however the results outweigh cost. GTR paves way for stable implants on the gums that have been severely affected by periodontitis.

Enamel Matrix Derivative:

It is quite similar to GTR with only difference being at their ability to loosen the pocket depth.

Aggressive Periodontitis:

Aggressive Periodontitis is like Chronic Periodontitis in some ways, however the former leads to rapid bone destruction and toot attachment. It afflicts more of a younger group of people and uses the same medications said above, just with a higher possibility of undergoing surgical debridement with strong antibiotics.

To sum up, periodontists or dentists in Mississauga start the clearing procedure by scratching off the plaque and combined analytics of the enamel and the below gum line. Severe dental visits may follow as scaling and debridement might be required to remove the plaque and tartar accumulated on teeth. By utilizing anti-toxins like amoxicillin or metronidazole, the regenerative procedure gets easy.

Prevention of periodontitis start with daily oral hygiene and regular dental visit. Visit your dentists in Mississauga at Woodlands Dental Centre and stay away from periodontitis.

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