Invisaligns are simply invisible alternatives to regular braces. They straighten, align, and give you aligned beautiful teeth without affecting much on your looks during the months of your treatment. They are mostly suitable for front teeth when they are overly pushed rather than crookedly placed or overcrowded teeth.
How Does it Work?
- Visit us with an Appointment
- Help Us Design a Treatment Plan according to Your Teeth
- Aligners of your Size and requirements will be made
- Aligners will be called for replacement as scheduled
- Last replacement will be approximately two weeks away from your Perfect Smile
Once your last tray has completed its course, the orthodontist will look for any adjustments that might be needed. In case required, a new set of aligners might be ordered again, which will be for free of cost. In case of no adjustments required, you will be ready with your beautifully aligned perfect smile.
Benefits of Invisalign
- Removable
- Eat What You Want
- Easier Dental Health Maintenance
- Save Time
- Convenience in Your Hand
- Beautiful Teeth
For more information on Invisalign call Woodlands Dental Centre at (905) 270-5666 today!